
6.0分 2008/日本/剧情,家庭
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BT高清网为您提供2008年由木村多江,中川雅也,倍赏美津子,寺岛进,安藤玉惠,加濑亮主演,桥口亮辅导演的《周围的事》/原名《ぐるりのこと。》/又名《幸福的彼端 / 我们的二三事 / 生有时死有时 / All Around Us》剧情,家庭电影在线观看完整版,《周围的事》百度云网盘资源以及《周围的事》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《周围的事》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

金尾(Lily Franky 饰)和翔子(木村多江 饰)是一对普通的夫妇,金尾在鞋铺工作,翔子则是某杂志编辑部内不断被琐事烦扰的小编辑。夫妻俩的生活平淡无奇,甚至连亲热之事也按固定日期计划进行。
  在朋友的介绍下,金尾谋得一份法庭画家的工作。虽然妻子家人都不甚看好,但在安田(柄本明 饰)等前辈的帮助下,他的工作逐渐步入正轨。翔子不满意丈夫先斩后奏的做法,同时被杂志社的俗务所烦扰,但她心中幸福的种子正在发芽,一个小生命即将为这对夫妇的生活带来新的体验……
  本片荣获2009年日本电影学院奖最佳女主角(木村多江)、2009年蓝丝带奖最佳女主角(木村多江)和最佳新人(Lily Franky)、2008年报知电影奖最佳导演(橋口亮輔)、2009年每日电影大奖最佳剧本(橋口亮輔)和最佳影片。


主演:木村多江 中川雅也 倍赏美津子 寺岛进 安藤玉惠 加濑亮 

Plot Summary:In 1993 Kanao and Shoko are a Tokyo couple awaiting the arrival of their first child. Although both have studied art, Kanao works as a shoe repairman which doesn't stretch his rather laid-back style and Shoko works in a small publishing firm. Their home life is marked by some clashes between her attempts at regimentation, including scheduling their sex life on a calendar, and his flirting with other women. Kanao is offered work as a courtroom sketch artist and becomes a witness to the most sensational murder trials of Japan through the next 8 years. He must cope with the ugliness and breakdown in civility he encounters. Shoko also re-discovers her artistic side as she confronts the dark side of life when struggling with depression over the loss of a child and the dysfunctional aspects of the lives of her mother and brother.


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