
6.0分 2005/加拿大 /剧情,动作,惊悚,犯罪
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BT高清网为您提供2005年由维果·莫腾森,玛丽亚·贝罗,艾德·哈里斯,威廉·赫特,艾什顿·霍尔姆斯主演,大卫·柯南伯格导演的《暴力史》/原名《A History of Violence》/又名《暴力效應 / 暴力事件》剧情,动作,惊悚,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《暴力史》百度云网盘资源以及《暴力史》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《暴力史》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

  汤姆(维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen饰)是小镇上再平凡不过的一家之主,开着一间小店谋生。某日遇上前来抢劫的歹徒,为了保住伙计的生命,汤姆奋而干掉了这帮不速之客,他的英勇神武成为了人们津津乐道的话题。媒体对此事的报道,也把汤姆一家赤裸裸地放置在公众视线里。
  这件事到底是改变了原本的汤姆,还是让汤姆回到本来的自己,这个谁也说不清——因为,汤姆的过往随之而渐渐浮出水面。黑道老大带着手下找上门来,这意味着汤姆将不能再隐藏自己曾经跟暴力亲密接触过的身份。妻子艾迪(玛丽亚·贝罗 Maria Bello饰)得知丈夫的秘密,非常生气;更糟糕的是,汤姆看到暴力的阴霾正渐渐笼罩上自己的儿子;暴力又一次彻底地潜入本来风平浪静的生活。


主演:维果·莫腾森 玛丽亚·贝罗 艾德·哈里斯 威廉·赫特 艾什顿·霍尔姆斯 

Plot Summary:This is the story of a mild-mannered man, named Tom Stall, who becomes a local hero through an act of violence, he lives a happy and quiet life with his lawyer wife and their two children in the small town of Millbrook, Indiana. But one night their idyllic existence is shattered when Tom foils a vicious attempted robbery in his diner. Sensing danger, he takes action and saves his customers and friends in the self-defense killings of two-sought-after criminals. Heralded as a hero, Tom's life is changed overnight, attracting a national media circus, which forces him into the spotlight. Uncomfortable with his newfound celebrity, Tom tries to return to the normalcy of his ordinary life only to be confronted by a mysterious and threatening man who arrives in town believing Tom is the man who wronged him in the past. As Tom and his family fight back against this case of mistaken identity and struggle to cope with their changed reality, they are forced to confront their relationships and the divisive issues which surface as a result.





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