
BT高清网为您提供2015年由詹姆斯·吉拉语,查那辛普·宋克拉辛,莉迪亚主演,VinitLertrattanachai导演的《三只流浪狗》/原名《คุณทองแดง The Inspirations》动画电影在线观看完整版,《三只流浪狗》百度云网盘资源以及《三只流浪狗》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《三只流浪狗》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!



主演:詹姆斯·吉拉语 查那辛普·宋克拉辛 莉迪亚 

Plot Summary:The Thai animation film, Khun Thong Daeng: The Inspirations, features episodes about three dogs -Tonglor, Temple Dog and Little Copper. In the film, the dogs are honest and loyal like Khun Thong Daeng. The puppy Tonglor dreams of being a great bodyguard and protecting his boss like Khun Thong Daeng, so he always guards his owners - a blind girl and her grandma - very well. Stray dog Jon is grateful to a monk who feeds him and looks after him. When a group of theives break into the temple, Jon risks his life to protect it. Little Copper's story was inspired by the story of Khun Thong Daeng, who was a street puppy adopted by His Majesty the King. Set in a futuristic world, Copper is a metal robot dog built by a girl called Sanim. Because he was built from trash, Copper doesn't operate properly and is a bit goofy. However, Sanim still finds him loveable.





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