德黑兰 第一季

0.0分 2020/以色列/剧情,惊悚
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BT高清网为您提供2020年由妮芙·苏丹,肖恩·托布,梅纳什·诺伊,Shervin Alenabi,纳维德·内加班,利拉斯·恰尔希,Reza Diako,Dan Mor,阿拉什·马兰迪,Shila Ommi,Danny Sher,瓦西利斯·科卡拉尼,埃斯蒂·耶鲁沙米,Tomer Macloof,Tamir Ginsburg主演,Daniel Syrkin导演的《德黑兰 第一季》/原名《Tehran》/又名《德黑兰行动》剧情,惊悚影视在线观看完整版,《德黑兰 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《德黑兰 第一季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《德黑兰 第一季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


导演:Daniel Syrkin 

主演:妮芙·苏丹 肖恩·托布 梅纳什·诺伊 Shervin Alenabi 纳维德·内加班 利拉斯·恰尔希 Reza Diako Dan Mor 阿拉什·马兰迪 Shila Ommi Danny Sher 瓦西利斯·科卡拉尼 埃斯蒂·耶鲁沙米 Tomer Macloof Tamir Ginsburg 

Plot Summary:Tehran is the story of Tamar Rabinyan, a Mossad computer hacker-agent undertaking her very first mission in the heart of a hostile and menacing city, which also happens to be the place of her birth. Tasked with disabling an Iranian nuclear reactor, her mission has implications not just for the Middle East, but for the entire world order. When the Mossad mission fails, Tamar goes rogue in Tehran as she rediscovers her Iranian roots and becomes romantically entwined with a pro-democracy activist. Tamar's soul-searching leads her to become even more conflicted about her mission, while the tension mounts as Iranian authorities tighten the net in their desperate search to locate her and her Mossad colleagues.


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